Ardent JavaScript™ File Dialog

Ardent JavaScript™ File Dialog

Ardent JavaScript™ File Dialog

Ardent JavaScript™ File Dialog is the simple cross-browser compatible file dialog widget, which allows the user to programmatically invoke the file dialog with JavaScript to browse files on the client computer. It can be used as custom file upload control, as background image selector for CSS editor and many other purposes. The elements of the File Dialog can be styled to match the design of your site. Ardent JavaScript™ File Dialog is a 100% JavasSript code/object and requires only a few lines of code to include in your web page. It comes with the Web 2.0 Widget WYSIWYG Builder which helps you create a great looking widget that makes choosing a font effortless for your users.

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  • Simple User Interface Provides Easy File Browsing Access on local computers
  • Powerful UI customization with CSS styles for all UI elements.
  • Easy to build (using Web 2.0 Widget WYSIWYG Builder) - no programming skills required
  • Supports all major browsers on Windows, MacOS, Linux and Solaris.
  • As the font size changes, the widget proportionaly changes with it.
  • Works on your web site... no redirection
  • Written in 100% JavaScript, no installation process needed on the client side
  • Uses its Own ScopeThe JavaScript objects and properties are all in the "ArdentEdge" scope, ensuring that they will not conflict with any other JavaScript variables you have on your page.
  • Unicode compliant and ready for localization and/or internationalization.
  • Object oriented easy to read JavaScript implementation for those who want to learn DHTML, CSS and JavaScript programming
  • and a lot more ...
Create your custom File Dialog here.

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